Monday, July 8, 2019

The importance of rest.....

Hi All,

Human beings are strong yet very fragile, and without rest we can spiral into something almost unrecognizable.  I remember some years ago whilst doing a paper for school I did an 'all nighter' and at 6.00 a.m I got up to stretch my legs and looked in the mirror.   The person I saw in the mirror looked like a crazy person, wild eyed and just...not like me. 

 There was another time I went  partying all night and went to work the following morning, needless to say the amount of errors I made were voluminous and somehow my mind wasn't able to recall simple things that I knew that I knew 😄 was weird. 

Rest in everything is required for example, when you're exercising there must be a rest day just to allow the body to rejuvenate itself.  The same is true when studying....there must be a rest day. 
Additionally, when dealing with issues i.e challenges life may through your way, there comes a time when you must let go and let GOD. 

Image result for rest and relaxation

No matter what is happening in your life allow yourself the time to rest both body and mind.  I goes a long way to ensuring that your mental health is maintained.

What do you do to rest amid the demands of your lives?  Let me know down below


  1. This is one of my big issues as I have always believed that sleeping for more that or at least 8 hours a day is too much as it can be considered as sleeping for 1/3 of your life. However rest is important. The Bible clearly stated that after God created the heavens and the earth on the 7th day he rested. Now if we are truly made in his image and likeness then likewise we too should take time out to rest. So etimes because we spend so much time on our daily lives we forget or neglect rest. But the body has a way of demanding the rest it needs. Some may not be a popular choice. To rest most I sleep late on a Su day or relax entertaining myself with fun mental games.

  2. yes I agree to this blog as an athlete rest is important for the body and mind



Hi :) I haven't posted in a while, but i'm well-hope the same is true for each of you !!.  So many things has happened since the...