Saturday, June 22, 2019

Smoothies and their health benefits....

Hi All,

Today I bring to you the yummy topic of smoothies....

Smoothies are a great way to loose weight without starving yourself as they make you feel super full thereby replacing an actual meal.  Additionally, they're packed or rather you can pack lots of healthy items into it.  I like all types of smoothies, I can do green smoothies, fruit smoothies, vegetable smoothies.  If it was possible to make a roti smoothie I would have loved that also 😃😄.  On the journey to Clean Belle of Health - we're only concerned with the healthy........

Green smoothies are great as they :-

Promote Weight Loss
Naturally Improves Hydration
Improves Digestion
Rejuvenates Your Body
Protects Against Free Radical Damage
Reliefs Symptoms of Depression

Today I want to share with you the recipe of a..........
Strawberry Pineapple Banana Smoothie.

Image result for strawberry pineapple banana smoothie       Image result for strawberry pineapple banana smoothie

You'll  need:

  • 1 cup Strawberries.
  • 1 cup Pineapple.
  • 1 Banana.
  • 1 tablespoon Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup almond milk 
  • 1 cup Spinach optional. (2 handfuls will make it a green smoothie)
  • 1 Tablespoon Chia or Flaxseeds optional.
  • Ice.
Puree until smooth and serve chilled

Do you try weird combos in your smoothies?  Let me know down below 


  1. i agree smoothies are very healthy ways to self improvement but i think what keeps people from fully investing in smoothies is price, prices for fruits and vegetables are outrageously expensive in Trinidad and many choose cheaper forms of becoming mentally, spiritually and physically healthy such as diets that don't cost an arm, leg and lung, exercises and even meditation.i do see the nutritional value of adding most healthy smoothies into ones life but maybe far too often the combinations included in most healthy smoothies seem like something that would make me vomit. i know its unfair to judge something that you haven't tasted but you can watch mud and know it is something that you would like to put in your be honest i have often encouraged people around me to try smoothies instead of these crash diets but you know i am a hypocrite and as such i am someone who wouldn't take my on advice.

    1. Hi, Thanks for the comment. I want to stress though that this blog isn't geared towards forcing people to adopt things that are too expensive for them or that they don't really like. There are several ways to become healthy both in mind and spirit, this is just my journey....after all 6+3=9 but so is 8+1 and many other combos. Peace and love!!!!

    2. While one's preference my be called to question with regards to their health choices,smoothies represents a major portion of my daily diet especially just after completing my program at the gym. If one wishes to starve in the name of a diet or meditate on a hungry belly, that's all good and well but its a good smoothie for me anytime. Definitely trying this......its worth the cost!

  2. i will tell people about your blog though as it seem to have a lot of benefits to share, look forward to seeing what more you post on here

  3. I will try this smoothie as I am sometimes weight conscious. Although am not too sure of the spinach.

    1. Hi Allana, you could try one handful if you're afraid of the taste and see. Let me know how it goes !!!

  4. I love me a good smoothie anytime. Definitely going try this!

  5. Smoothies are great fun meals. My wife encourages this and this is one thing I m in agreement with. We can perhaps share a recipe or two. Mine has no set



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