Friday, June 21, 2019

Health Benefits of Walking....

Hi All,

Exercising doesn't have to equate to costly gym memberships, you can simply lace up your trainers and go walking...

Thirty (30) minutes everyday can vastly improve cardiovascular fitness, boost muscle power and endurance as well as reduce excess body fat.  Exercising doesn't only mean 'leg day' and excruciating pain 😊.
Image result for women running shoes
Here are a few tips to walk the walk (see what I did there 😎)

  • Walk for 10/15 minutes if 30 minutes is too much for you and increase the length of time gradually 
  • Warm up by walking slowly then increasing the pace 
  • Wear comfortable shoes as the wrong shoes can do more harm than good 
  • To change up the scenery, drive to a new (safe) place and park and walk 
  • Gradually reduce your speed as you wind down 
  • Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate - walk with water and sip as you go 
Some persons are only motivated to train when partnering with a personal trainer, if that's you then check out Personal Trainer - Safiya who offers personal training at affordable prices.  Reach out via her Instagram handle train_with_safiya for further information and use the hashtag #bellehealthyliving

Let me know down below how it goes....


  1. I agree belle gym membership is very costly so you can be your own gym by doing jumping jacks or going for walk or a jug at whatever pace you want

  2. So true I think I will pull myself together and go walking .

  3. I agree. Need yo not be so busy for these si.pke things with great benefits.



Hi :) I haven't posted in a while, but i'm well-hope the same is true for each of you !!.  So many things has happened since the...