Friday, June 21, 2019

Men and Mental Health...

Hi All,

I was a little unsure about doing this piece as I really don't want to be too preachy.  But, in more ways than one, the mental health of people close to you matter just as much as yours does.  You see I've lost a male relative to suicide and a part of me believes that if that space for him to really open up was available, maybe just maybe........

I have five (5) men in my life that mean the world to me and so I'm doing this as it may help a male somewhere out there

Since the dawn of time we've been conditioned to believe that 'real' men ought to be stoic, this expectation means that many men suffer emotional turmoil in isolation.   In fact, statistics from Mental Health America states that over 6 million men suffer from depression each year, but often goes un-diagnosed.  This is due to men reporting fatigue, irritability etc rather than sadness or worthlessness. 

Image result for male mental health

As humans we all have dark days regardless of the lives we lead, some persons look at other people and make comments like 'what do you have to be sad about ?" But no one knows the sum total of another's life experiences and the lasting effects.  For example, Michael Phelps - 28 time Olympic medalist suffers with depression and anxiety.

I read somewhere that ..we should be kinder than necessary as everyone is fighting some battle. 

To my male readers, find someone to talk to,  most countries offer social services that will afford you the opportunity to talk to someone for free.  If trusting another human being is easier said than done.. then pray.
Find a spouse that allows you the freedom to let go whenever you need to!  There is no need to be strong all the time.

 Quote on mental health - It's up to you today to start making healthy choices. Not choices that are just healthy for your body, but healthy for your mind.


  1. Unfortunately, our society is still generally structured against men emotions. We still find it difficult to "talk" bcuz we will be seen as weak. It will take a couple of years for us to truly open up... Just my view

    1. Hi, that is very very true. Once we're consistent in providing that safe space it will eventually happen. I'm very hopeful.

  2. I am an advocate for crying when yoy feel like, its cleansing. As parent we need to teach our sons that. And to speak out.

  3. Live this topic. We need to converse more on this . Men are struggling and someone need to equip us with the tools to deal with these struggles. I think I wanna start a Blog called the Male Voice. Let's talk hun



Hi :) I haven't posted in a while, but i'm well-hope the same is true for each of you !!.  So many things has happened since the...