Monday, July 8, 2019

Benefits of Infused Water.....

Hi All,

The general idea of infused water or detox water is to rid your body of toxins and it does so a lot faster than regular water does. Its a simple as placing fruits, vegetables  herbs in a pitcher and filling it with water which allows for the introduction of flavor without actually making it juice😀. 

I especially like to add cucumbers and carrots to my water, another favorite is pineapple and strawberry slices but as I said its really whatever tickles your fancy.  

Cucumbers are considered a super food which means that it has a lot of nutrients.  When preparing the infused water be mindful that you don't want to make too big of a batch that you can't consume in 20 hours. 

Related imageImage result for cucumber water

Slice clean cucumbers and place in a pitcher (you can peel if its your preference)
Fill with water and allow at least an hour for the water to become infused, you can leave overnight
Chill and consume all day the following day (change slices after 24 hours)
Add a few slices of strawberry to spice it up if you wish.

Would you try?



Hi :) I haven't posted in a while, but i'm well-hope the same is true for each of you !!.  So many things has happened since the...