Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Quick & Easy Healthy Breakfast...

Hi All,

Today I'm touching on the most important meal of the day........Breakfast.  I've been hearing that since I've known myself and really does set the tone of the food choices you make throughout the day.  When I skip breakfast, by 11.00 a.m I'm really hungry and usually end up snacking on anything in 
sight....which is usually junk food. 

Image result for breakfast oatmeal

The secret to ensuring that you have breakfast on busy weekday mornings is to prep, some things you can even prep for an entire week.  Oats is my go-to breakfast most weekdays and I'm able to prep the night before and simply 'jazz' it up the following morning by adding bananas, strawberries, cranberries, you can add pretty much any fruit or variety of nuts atop your oats. Oats provides a great source of important vitamins and minerals, fiber and antioxidants....so you'll definitely be starting your morning on a healthy note. 

What's your go to breakfast on weekdays? 


  1. I always tell my boys its the meal that shouldnt be missed, nice article

  2. Without a proper meal on morning u wouldn't be able to operate how you want.

    1. True Josiah, difficult to operate as you want when finding something to eat is at the forefront.



Hi :) I haven't posted in a while, but i'm well-hope the same is true for each of you !!.  So many things has happened since the...