Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Mind declutter....

Hi Dearies

In order for one to be truly healthy, we must work on both our physical and mental well being. Today's blog will be on a few steps to improve your mental health.  Everyone isn't in the same place mentally, and because we will never really know someone else's struggles, we should always be kinder than necessary. 
In a world that is driven technology and connectivity, its becoming increasingly difficult to disconnect.  More often than not, the stresses from the job follow up home. 

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 5 Tips for improving your mental health; 

  • You must be deliberate with what you allow yourself to think about - if you had a hard day on the job don't go home and agonize about it.  Analyse the situation, see where you went wrong and learn from it. 
  • Forgive yourself - we ALL make mistakes, I know its easier said than done.  Especially when you've wronged someone that you care about.  Just remember that the best apology is changed behavior on it!!!
  • Ensure that you 'unplug' at some time in the evening, you can't allow yourself to be available at all times with no regard for family/home life 
  • Don't be afraid to talk to someone about your issues - mind you I don't mean to continuously complain about a situation that isn't going your way and not do anything about it.  I mean talk about how your feelings, whether something is making you anxious and so forth and look for ways to alleviate or manage. 
  • Do something enjoyable every week, it doesn't have to be fancy and cost alot of money, you can simply go zip lining or take a walk on the beach.....if those things tickles your fancy 
What do you do to manage your stress levels? Hit me a line in the comments and let me know! 


  1. This is really convenient. My mental health is not exactly the best and I am working on it so I'll be sure to apply these tips. Thank you belle.

    1. Hi Shekinah, its a constant work in progress to get and keep your mind in a healthy space...keep at it.

  2. I like to read something light and do crosswords to unwind

  3. Because of my stressful job I try to leave work at work, as I realize that I slightly(all I'm admitting to, lol) obsessive about how things should be. So I kick back read or just have days where I do nothing but relax.

    1. Hi Allana, seems like there is more you want to admit to lol. Unwinding/relaxing is of utmost importance after a hard day at work.

  4. Good mental health for me as an athlete will keep your mind and your body operate at a 100% in any situation and as well to rest appropriately

  5. This is so important in a person's life to enable them to recharge and to move on.

  6. I sing e en though my keys are all crossed. And write poetry songs etc.. also thinking games like Scrabble is relaxing for me



Hi :) I haven't posted in a while, but i'm well-hope the same is true for each of you !!.  So many things has happened since the...