Saturday, July 13, 2019

Mental Health in children...

Hi All,

Mental health in children or little humans as I like to think of them is equally important as it is for adults.

Image result for cartoon of children playing

Contrary to popular belief, children experience all the emotions that adults do, and based on their inexperience are ill -equipped to treat with it...which is where we as adults come in.  Simply things as finding out why the male child cries rather than calling him a sissy or soft can be instrumental in ensuring his mental health.  Based on the fact that children may be unable to articulate their feelings, makes determining a serious problems a little trickier than it is for adults.  

Most mental health issues in children are born out of some trauma faced during childhood as such happy well adjusted children will become happy well adjusted adults.

If you have children in your life, talk to them observe them and allow them the freedom to just be themselves


  1. Children need to Express themselves as it is an important instrument in their development. From too early an age we limit our children and stifle their creative juices from emanating itself. Creativity comes from the ability to think freely and act accordingly. Parents need to take time out their busy schedule to analyze the child's natural creative self and then assist with guiding them along that specific path..

    1. very true Kendall, some parents insist that their offspring be replicas of themselves and so the child's true self is stifled



Hi :) I haven't posted in a while, but i'm well-hope the same is true for each of you !!.  So many things has happened since the...