Saturday, July 20, 2019

Eating to prevent lifestyle diseases...

Hi All,

   Image result for eating to prevent lifestyle diseases

In my 30 odd years on planet earth, I've realized that the saying that prevention is better than cure is the absolute truth. Eating a healthy, balanced diet all day everyday is a bit of a mammoth task as eating  healthy can be quite expensive however its advisable to so do to prevent many diseases. 

There is strong evidence that a high intake of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of stroke, a high intake of folic is also evidenced to reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer. 

Image result for eating to prevent lifestyle diseases

A high consumption of whole grains in their natural form is associated with lowered risks of developing diabetes - type 2, the added fiber also facilitates weight control and prevents constipation. 

Consumption of sugar and sugar-based products should be limited as most sugary items have little or no nutritional value.  Although the World Health Organization (WHO) suggests an upper limit 10 % of energy from sugar, its actually desirable to intake less than that amount based on the adverse metabolic results coupled with the absence of nutritional value.

It goes without saying that your family's medical history plays a huge part in the non communicable diseases one is susceptible to. 

Be that as it may, you should still endeavor to eat as healthy as you can as often as you can......if you can't so do every single day....


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