Saturday, July 20, 2019

Benefits of Juicing.....

Hi All,

Ahhhh the benefits of juicing fruits and vegetables..

As a child I enjoyed anything that was placed in the blender with milk, sugar and essence thrown in...I still do to some extent but with age came an appreciation for unadorned beauty in everything.  

Image result for beetroot juice

Fruits and vegetables have all the tastes (sweet, tangy, sour) you'll need, you just have to know which ones to pair up. 
Juicing fruits and vegetables allows you to absorb the nutrients quicker the down side is that you don't get as much fibre. However, just because you're juicing doesn't mean that you're barred from eating yea, you'll get the fibre.
Another  benefit is that you'll actually be consuming more fruits and vegetables when you juice AND still consume them in natural form.  It also helps with detoxifying.

Notably, care should be taken with your pairings, for example, watermelon, pears, grapes and mangoes will give you an over sweet tasting combination.  

Great combinations are

  •  Cucumber, pear and kale
  • Avacado, celery, cucumber and lemon 
  • Papaya, pineapple and lemon 

Have you tried juicing and are you adventurous with your pairings?

Drop me a line below and let know !!


  1. I recently got into juicing....

  2. I am not at all into juicing as I beleive any thing with milk is best. But....age brings reason so I will try it.



Hi :) I haven't posted in a while, but i'm well-hope the same is true for each of you !!.  So many things has happened since the...