Thursday, June 27, 2019

Quick Shrimp Dish...

Hi All,

Last evening I  got in really late from work and was so hungry I could have eaten a house, because of my 'healthier lifestyle' I didn't stop at a fast food place just.  I simply drove at a consistent pace of 100kmph until I made it to my driveway 😉😜.  I knew that I had shrimp and vegetables in my freezer so I'd actually started preparing the dish in my head before I even walked through the door. I love shrimp - although I know everything should  be in moderation, it actually promotes heart and brain health due to its content of omega 3 fatty acids. 

Image result for shrimp and vegetables and basmati rice

I put some butter in a heated pan to melt then placed the shrimp in (straight from the freezer), lowered the heat and covered, after about 3 minutes I added the vegetables, along with black pepper, paprika, grated garlic and ginger powder. 
Put the rice to boil .....and about 18 -20 minutes after I got home I had a home cooked meal in front of me.

You will need;
Basmati rice (or any rice for that matter)
Seasonings (to your liking)
chaddon benny
lime juice

Would you try it??


  1. This sounds great Belle, will definitely try

  2. Actually I no longer like shrimp even worst vegetables so I may pass here. My bad



Hi :) I haven't posted in a while, but i'm well-hope the same is true for each of you !!.  So many things has happened since the...