Wednesday, May 22, 2019



My name is Belinda (Belle), I created this lifestyle blog to document my journey of adapting a  healthier lifestyle.  I believe that health encompasses both the mind and body, indeed to achieve complete health and harmony the journey starts with the mind. 

There was a time when I believed that eating ice-cream for breakfast was okay because I wasn't committing a crime (actually it was Uni days when I was living alone and felt I was adulting). As I've grown older  I'm more aware of the impact of one's food choices on overall health. 

There was also a time when I was unaware that you have to harness your thoughts to truly control your life.  Every negative thought that flitted through my mind was explored and I engaged in endless hours of 'borrowing tomorrow's worries'.  I've since gotten better and controlling my thoughts and therefore my controlling my life.  

My blog will feature information on Beauty, Healthy eating and developing a Healthy mind all in my quest of achieving a healthier lifestyle.

Join me on my Journey to a Clean Belle of Health.......


  1. That is true Belle a healthy body will equate to a healthy life, but a little ice cream every so often go a long way in enjoying life

    1. Hi Jabari, i hear you on the ice cream lol, everything in moderation...

  2. I also have the desire to adapt to a healthy lifestyle so I'm really happy that I found your blog belle.

  3. I so appreciate being on this journey with you, as I get older and really understand how a healthy mindset makes life's ups and down so much easier to deal with. A healthy body means a fuller life.

    1. Hi Allana, you are so right. Thanks for joining me on this journey



Hi :) I haven't posted in a while, but i'm well-hope the same is true for each of you !!.  So many things has happened since the...